Germany wants to implement drone zones promptly

Today, Droniq GmbH and its parent company DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH published their recommendations for action for the establishment of U-Space areas. The findings collected are based on a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV). With their help, U-Space areas are to be further advanced in Germany and introduced from 2023.

With U-Space areas, drones can be safely integrated into the airspace - also in interaction with manned aviation. This enables regular use of drones, for example in logistics, agriculture, for supplying hard-to-reach areas or transporting vital medical equipment. How U-Space areas can function in practice was tested in real operation in the U-Space real laboratory, which Droniq and DFS set up in the Port of Hamburg. The research project, which lasted seven months, had a volume of approximately one million euros and was funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV) with almost 500,000 euros.

Volker Wissing, Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport: "With around 400 companies, Germany is the lead market for drone technologies. We want to strengthen and further expand this technological lead of Germany. The U-Space Reallabor has answered many important questions for us for the establishment of U-Space areas. We are now using this successful practical experience to enable progress. The first U-Space areas are to be established in Germany as early as next year. In this way, we will create safety in German airspace and enable more innovations in unmanned aviation."

The BMDV is using the findings and recommendations from the practical tests in the Hamburg U-Space Reallabor to develop a concept for the establishment of U-Space areas throughout Germany. The requirements of the European U-Space Regulation (2021/664) will also be taken into account. The concept is intended to create all legal and practical foundations for the implementation of U-Space areas. The BMDV intends to designate the first U-Space areas as early as 2023.

Research in this area will also be further advanced, e.g. through the LUV project (solutions and recommendations for action for the national implementation of the U-Space Regulation) funded by the BMDV. The aim is to further expand technological progress in unmanned aviation and to strengthen Germany as an innovative business location in international competition.

On the recommendations for action

The results of the U-Space Reallabor include recommendations and measures for the establishment of U-Space areas, their operation and the design of the roles and services applicable in a U-Space.

The full recommendations for action from Droniq and DFS, as well as more information about the project, can be found here.

Source: Droniq, 17.02.2022



Phil Stephan
Droniq GmbH

+49 171 6099747


Anja Naumann
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

+49 421 5372 116

Gilbert Linn