Markets, trends and perspectives

What's going on in the world of FLYBOTS? How is the market developing? What are current trends? Where are the perspectives?

Here you will find exciting articles about FLYBOTS. Experts share their knowledge on current topics related to the development and operation of FLYBOTS. Information from the community for the community.


FLYBOTS Techtalk: 5 questions to Christian Kaiser (Copting GmbH)

Christian Kaiser (CEO Copting GmbH)

In our "Techtalk" we would like to know more in detail and begin our interview series with Christian Kaiser, Managing Director at Copting GmbH. We wanted to find out which products and services have good prospects for growth from his point of view and which skills are crucial for drone training. Also important: Which wishes does Christian Kaiser have for politics and the development of the market.

Federal government regulates use of drones anew

On Friday, May 28, 2021, the Bundesrat approved the draft law submitted by Federal Minister Andreas Scheuer to adapt national regulations to the European Commission's Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of May 24, 2019, on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles. The

The new Drone Regulation (31.12.2020)
The new Drone Regulation (31.12.2020)

At the turn of the year, new EU regulations for drones will apply. The European Commission adopted a new set of rules for the operation of unmanned

VDI Expert Committee for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAV)
Tasks of the VDI Expert Committee for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAV)

The use of unmanned aerial systems in the civil sector has developed rapidly over the past 20 years. UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) are now just as

The VDI informs: Operational safety of UAS
The VDI informs: Operational safety of UAS

In its latest publication, the VDI informs members about the operational safety of UAS. The publication defines five fields of action for safe

© Verband Unbemannte Luftfahrt
VUL survey: Acceptance of drones and air taxis on the rise in Germany

Attitudes towards drones and air taxis in Germany have developed positively since 2019. This was the result of a survey conducted by YouGov on behalf

Analysis of the German drone market 2021
Analysis of the German drone market 2021

The "Verband unbemannte Luftfahrt" (An initiative of BDL and BDLI) provides information on the development of the German drone market in its current

Funding guideline "Innovative Air Mobility"
Funding guideline "Innovative Air Mobility"

The transport sector is facing a variety of challenges. The existing transport infrastructures are increasingly reaching their limits. Congestion and

Federal government action plan for drones and air taxis
Federal government action plan for drones and air taxis

Federal Minister Andreas Scheuer has presented the Federal Government's action plan for unmanned aerial systems and innovative aviation concepts to

BVL - Approval of plant protection products for use with drones in steep vineyards
Which plant protection product is approved for use with UAS?

The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) publishes a list of plant protection products approved for use with unmanned aerial

BMDV publishes "Common Principles"
BMDV publishes "Common Principles"

On 27 June 2022, the Federal Ministry of Digitalisation and Transport (BMDV) published the revised "Common Principles of the Federal Government and

...with drones. Unmanned Flight in the Service of People, Nature and Society
BMWi publishes report on the diversity of the UAS market

In its latest publication, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy provides information on the diversity of the drone market and

(UPDATE) EU regulations for drones
(UPDATE) EU regulations for drones
UPDATE: 03.01.2022 The Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport decided on 03.01.2022 to adjust the transitional rule for commercial drone operation in the open category.



FLYBOTS Techtalk: 5 questions to Andre Schiller ( GmbH)
Interview at Hypermotion X
FLYBOTS Techtalk: 5 questions to Daniel Stahlmann (ValoFly GmbH)
Daniel Stahlmann, ValoFly GmbH
FLYBOTS Techtalk: 5 questions to Christian Kaiser (Copting GmbH)
Christian Kaiser (CEO Copting GmbH)

Other sources online


DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, based in Langen, Hesse, is responsible for controlling air traffic in Germany. It is a company organised under private law and entirely owned by the German government. On behalf of the Federal Government, DFS performs the air traffic control tasks as specified in the German Air Traffic Act (Section 27c (2)).

The essential information you need to prepare your drone flight safely can be found on the website of Deutsche Flugsicherung (German Air Traffic Control). At, a joint information service of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure and DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, all relevant information and rules for unmanned aviation in accordance with the German Air Traffic Regulations are summarized centrally on one website.

Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure

The Ministry is headed by the Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. He directs and is responsible for the work of the department and its total of 43 subordinated authorities.

The Aviation Department looks after matters relating to national and international air traffic and aviation policy, airports and aviation safety. Together with Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA), Bundesaufsichtsamt für Flugsicherung (BAF), Bundesstelle für Flugunfalluntersuchung (BFU), and Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DFS), it enables the seamless flow of air traffic in Germany, ensures the safe operation of German air carriers and takes into account all environmental, noise and consumer protection concerns. It represents German interests in international committees and organizations.

The essential information you need to prepare your drone flight safely can be found on the website of Deutsche Flugsicherung (German Air Traffic Control). At, a joint information service of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure and DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, all relevant information and rules for unmanned aviation in accordance with the German Air Traffic Regulations are summarized centrally on one website.

Information on the activities of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in the field of drones can be found here.

Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA)

As the higher federal authority in the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) ensures the safety of a flight far before it begins. By performing more than 100 certification, approval and supervisory functions, the LBA ensures the high safety standard of aviation in Germany.

Unit 5B of the Federal Aviation Authority is responsible for tasks related to unmanned aerial systems (UAS).

All information, regulations and contact addresses are available on the unit's website.


BVZD - Branchenverband Zivile Drohnen e. V.

BVZD - Branchenverband Zivile Drohnen e. V. organizes the dialog between the civil drone industry, politics and society in the fields of new mobility, logistics and digitalization. The central goal of the association is the economic promotion of the young industry, the increase of flight safety in alignment with other road users and the positive shaping of political framework conditions.

German Aerospace Industries Association (Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie e.V.)

With around 250 members, the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI) represents the interests of an industry that is characterized by international technological leadership and global success. The German aerospace industry is not only the lifeline and driving force of the economy, but also an important employer of predominantly highly qualified employees.

The primary tasks of the BDLI include communication with political institutions, authorities, associations and foreign representations in Germany as well as a wide range of member services in Germany and abroad. The association is also the trademark owner of ILA Berlin - the trade show for "Innovation and Leadership in Aerospace".

For many years now, the BDLI UAV Expert Committee has successfully accompanied the development of the civil and military drone market.

In view of overlapping interests, in 2017 the BDLI partnered with the German Air Transport Association on Unmanned Aviation (BUVUS) and established the voice of Unmanned Aviation in Germany with the joint initiative Verband Unbemannte Luftfahrt.

German Air Transport Association (Bundesverband der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft e. V.)

The German Air Transport Association (BDL) is the common voice of the German air transport industry.

It is open to all German aviation companies and associations. The association represents and promotes the interests of airlines, airports, German air traffic control and other service providers in German aviation.

The BDL is committed to ensuring that Germany can develop as a high-performance and competitive aviation location - in responsibility for society and the environment. The association acts as a central point of contact for politicians, the media and the public, bundling and communicating the issues that are of importance to the German air transport industry.

In order to speak with a strong voice on the important subject of unmanned aviation, manufacturers and operators in the German aviation industry - represented by the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI) and the German Air Transport Association (BDL) - have joined forces in the Unmanned Aviation Association.


UAV DACH e.V. exists since 2000 and is the largest and most experienced German-speaking professional association for unmanned aerial vehicles in Europe. It represents the interests of about 220+ members from research & development, manufacturer and supplier industry as well as users and service providers from the countries Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands. The association's superordinate goals are the economical construction and use of unmanned aerial vehicles for the benefit of the public, the achievement of broad public acceptance and operational safety in the airspace without danger to persons and property on the ground.

Verband Unbemannte Luftfahrt

The Verband Unbemannte Luftfahrt is a joint initiative of the German Air Transport Association (BDL) and the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI). The new association is primarily concerned with the challenges of certifying commercially used unmanned aviation systems and integrating them into the existing air transport system. The focus is on the safe coexistence of manned and unmanned aviation.

The 2021 market study "Analysis of the German Drone Market" by the Unmanned Aviation Association can be found here.